The AWA Review

The AWA Review is a series of annual softcover books of articles on the history of radio published by the Antique Wireless Association, a membership organization based in Bloomfield, New York, USA. Volume 1 was published in 1986 and Volume 24 was published in 2011. No volume was published in 1997.

Articles typically address the technical history of radio and related technologies, including associated equipment, manufacturers, publications and inventors and other personalities. They generally do not emphasize broadcast program content. A significant amount of published material is of interest to collectors of early radio receivers, tubes and similar materials. A complete cumulative bibliography of articles may be found at the Antique Wireless Association's website.

Volume 12 (1999) was entirely devoted to Atwater Kent radios. It was written by noted Atwater Kent collector/historian Ralph O. Williams.

Volume 24 (2011) comprises 12 articles, a forward and letters to the editor in 285 pages. It includes numerous photographs and illustrations, including some in color. The editor is Robert P. Murray, Ph.D. of Vancouver, BC, Canada.[1]


  1. ^ The AWA Review, Vol. 24 (2011)

External links

Antique Wireless Association: